Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 1 of 30 My favorite dress

These pictures turned out terrible! My fault. I took them after the sun was starting to go down, I had no natural light, and it has been an overcast day anyway. I thought the dress would look great against the snow, but I am not stepping a foot outside until the temp goes above -1.

I might re-take these photos tomorrow when I am off work early; the faded light does not do the colors of this dress justice!

Wrap dress: DvF (2004)
Jeans: 7 Dojo (2005)
Shoes: Jimmy Choo 100mm black (2005)

This is my favorite dress. It always goes with me when I travel, and I love wearing wrap dresses with jeans when it's cold! And it looks amazing with nude heels.

I will be making a post for my thirty items soon. I have photographed them but I still need to photoshop them. Are there any tall petites from Alterations Needed doing 30 for 30?


  1. Great wrap dress, so fun with the flare leg jeans and heels! I have a wrap dress in my 30 items that I have similar plans for. Have fun with the remixing!
    I have a link up every Wednesday for everyone who wears any jewelry with an outfit, hope to see you there.

  2. Thank you! I can't wait to see yours and how you style it, especially with the jewelry! Thank you for the follow!
