Sunday, February 6, 2011

The reasons behind my blog

I keep this blog for several reasons. What are yours?

1. I want to know what I already own.
I have a ton of clothes but I always want to add to the collection. And then I have things that still have tags on them. Why! So I figured doing 30 for 30 would be a great way to assess what I have and actually need. This round, I am intentionally remixing things I don't wear very often.

2. To save money
First, I am a graduate student living on a small tiny stipend and I am trying my best to not create any debt. Second, I don't want to make repeat buying errors. If a type of article doesn't fit well, or a brand is too awkward, I can use this to remind myself to stop shopping there or wasting money on things that don't work.Oh J.Crew double serge pencil skirt in dahlia, you are beautiful and I love you but I know you aren't going to fit without tailoring, and $118 (without tax) is a full 12.4% of my monthly budget.

3. To be more creative
I want to experiment more than I have in the past, and photographs help me identify what works and what doesn't. Seeing other people's takes on belts, shoes, tights, prints, etc. helps me rethink my own situation. I would never have tied a belt, much the less on top of a cardigan, before seeing other bloggers do it.

4. To figure out what works well with my body type
And to help others who have similar measurements find good stuff. I was reading an old Nancy Drew to help me sleep, and she was buying a dress at a department store, complete with fitting. OH that is my dream: tailored clothes at the point of purchase.

5. To meet other personal style bloggers
I have a really hard time finding clothes that fit, and I realized there are lots of others in the same boat (yea AlterationsNeeded forum!), so I use this blog as a method of connecting with others. I also really love the blogs that post pics every day, regardless the weather, temperature, or hair day. I think the daily style part is the most beautiful, not just getting dressed for important occasions!

6. To see the street style/personal style of the world
I love having readers from 11 countries in less than one month of blogging. I want to see what other people do to style their clothing and face their days! If you are a daily-personal-style blogger from another country, please let me know and I will add you!

I don't use this blog for:
1. Theory
On my blogroll, I am just not that interested in seeing what simply inspires other people (i.e. pics of celebrities, high-end runway pics, bulletin boards of jewelry or magazine cut-outs). I start to lose interest when there isn't a real human on the other side. I am here for the reality, not the fantasy! Reality is so much more beautiful to me.

2. To become famous/work in fashion/quit my job/Julia-&-Julia fantasy type stuff
I am a realist, and what I want to be is a researcher, not work in fashion. I just love to see real people interested in similar things as I am and making connections with them!


  1. i mostly started my blog to figure out my style, connect with other fashion bloggers and have an outlet to talk about health and fitness. i've lost a bunch of weight and all of these sub-topics seemed to fit well together for me. :)

  2. also -- i got your comment in my email, i'm not sure why it's not showing up on the blog comments, but thank you so much for the nice things you said! :)
