Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday wish list

Earlier this week I was on the quest for Olay Pro-X face brush. Something inside of me just wanted to hunt it down and spend $30 on an electric toothbrush for my fez. I went to Walgreens but they were out, and now, a few days later, I don't want it anymore. However, what I DO want this Friday is already taking place.

I am blowing off a meeting with the vilest of men! This d-bag (Sorry, I never say that (ick), but he really IS one! Lol) is in charge of all the instructors who teach this particular course, and he runs the most horrible, pointless meetings. He just evaluated my classroom yesterday (way late) and had nothing nice to say, even though I made it a point to hover over my students like a 1980s elementary school teacher (for his benefit: he is old school). Sigh. He is just purely toxic. I got over his "delivery" of everything I was doing wrong (Why did you choose to talk about North Korea instead of CHINA?!?!) only this morning. sigh. Our meetings are always flung onto our calendars at the last minute, like throwing darts at a board, but he never prepares an agenda or creates a point. And it's an hour drive there/back. For an hour of sitting around like 8-year-olds. So I am blowing it off. I have enough of him in my life this week!  And it feels GREAT!!!! :D

I am doing laundry instead, and it is sunny and I feel happy once again and everything feels ultra-wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. hey! i was going to respond to your comment, but it wouldn't let me email you. i just wanted to say, i'm pretty sure the temple on the beltway in silver springs is the only lds temple in the DC area.

    and i'm sorry you had such a lousy day at work!! good for you for blowing him off, haha! :)
